
Monday, November 16, 2020

pobble 365

  On monday me and my class had to do a bobble 365 and theres are the ones that I did.I hope that you enjoy it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Jack and the beanstalk

   Jack and the beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a poor widow with her son Jack all they had to live on was the milk from their cow milky white.

One day the cow stopped giving milk Jack’s mother said we must sell milky white for some money.

So Jack set off to town with the cow. After a while he met an old man who said, “Where are you going, Jack?”

Jack wondered how this man knew his name.

I’m off to sell our cow,”he replied.

The man Showed Jack 5 beans. “These beans are of great value. I’ll swap with  you .” 

    Jack agreed and handed over the cow.

Jack’s mother was surprised to see him home so soon.

     “ How much did you get?”she asked. 

Jack showed her the beans.

“Have you Swapped our cow for some beans you fool!”she cried and she threw the beans out the window.Jack was sent to bed with out any supper.

The next morning,Jack's bedroom was dark.He looked out the window and saw that the beans had formed a beanstalk.

“I will climb my beanstalk and  see where it ends,”he thought.Jack’s house,the road and the town below all looked very small.

When Jack reached the top,he saw a stone castle.On the doorstep he saw a giantess.

”Good morning,”said Jack.”Would you give me some breakfast?”

My husband is a giant who loves a boy for breakfast!” said the giantess.   “Move along!”

“Please, please,”begged Jack. “I can help you around the house.”

“Oh… all right,” said the giantess, and she gave him some food.

Then Jack heard a thumping  in the distance.

“Oh that’s my husband!” She cried, and put Jack into the oven to hide.

The giant  held three calves. “Cook these for breakfast!” he shouted. Then he sniffed the air and bellowed fee fi fo fum I smell the blind of an English man be he alive or be he dead i’ll grind his bones to make my bread.”  

“ It must be the boy you ate yesterday.”said the giantess.”I’ll get your breakfast,”

Jack opened the door ,but the giantess said,

“He will sleep after breakfast then you can come out.

After breakfast,the giant counted his gold until he started to snore.Jack crept out of the oven,Took a bag of gold and ran home.As he showed his mother the gold,he said “I was right to take those beans!”

When the gold ran out,Jack climbed the beanstalk.Again he asked the giantess for some breakfast.

“Aren’t you the boy who came before? My husborne lost a bag of gold that day,” she  said.

           But the giantess was curious, so she gave him some food.Jack heard a far away noise.”into the oven!” cried the giantess 

The giant bellowed :


I smell the blind of an english man!

Be he alive or be he dead,

I’ll grind his bones to  make my bread.”

The  giantess scolded the giant as he had his breakfast.She gave him his hen,and he said”Lay”After the hen laid a gold egg,the giant started to snore.

Jack crept out of the oven,grabbed the hen,and rushed down the beanstalk.He showed his mum that the hen had laid golden eggs.

One day,Jack climbed the beanstalk again.

This time Jack hid in a copper pot.

When the giant came home he sniffed the ear and bellowed:


I smell the blind of an english man!

Be he alive or be he dead,

I’ll grind his bones to  make my bread.”

“If that’s the boy who stole your gold and  hen said the giantess  he will be in the oven.”But Jack wasn’t there.

The giant ate his breakfast and then the giantess took hima gold harp.The giant said,”sing”and the harp sang until the giant started to snore so loudly that the house shook.

Jack climbed out of the pot,grabbed the harp and ran.But the harp called “Master”,and the giant woke up.

Jack ran very fast ,but the giant nearly caught him when they reached the beanstalk.The giant watched Jack climb down.

Then the giant climbed down the beanstalk.When Jack was nearly home,he cried, Mother bring me the axe.Jack’s mother came running with the axe.

Jack grabbed it and chopped down the beanstalk.

It fell,and the giant fell with it and lay still.

Jack and his mother became rich.Jack also married a princess and they lived happily ever after.


Friday, August 14, 2020

My award certificate

On monday  me and my class had to read a book and it was called mossie and then we had to make our own certificate and this is mine.Hope you like it.

My treasure chest

On wensday me and my class had to read a book called The old trunk and then we had to make our own treasure chest with what you would put in your treasure chest and find pictures of them.  

Thursday, August 6, 2020

2020 Avatar

earth /volcano/dog/Chihuahua/help me

This week our cybersmart teacher came in to my class and tought us how to make an Avatar her name is koka Amie  my budy was baely and we had to get  after that we had to see who was doing the animal and the alamint I was doing the animal and Baely was doing the alamint.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020


 them finished
What I used 
 In the soil
for our school work we had to plant some seeds

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Anzac work

this is my reading work

Friday, April 17, 2020

Easter egg hunt

In Easter me and my  brother did a Easter egg  hunt and me and my brother found 10 Easter eggs each and madie tryed to eat the eggs and mum wrote down 10 clues because me and Ashley were working together.

madie wereing a jersey

Join the school lock-down one night mum desired to to put  a jersey on my puppy her name is madie or madieson because she was shivering and then she started to eat it so we took it off her.

Helping dad with the buggie

 Join the school lock-down me Ashley and dad got the buggie from the podock we all help  get it down the drive way  I fell over twice  I fell over going up a bump because when you go out of the podock there is a big step bump because I was pushing it dad was puling it with the moter bike and Ashley was driving it and he crashed in to the side of the house and he drove over the bucket and then I fell over again when dad was turning in to the shed.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Saturday, April 4, 2020 were learning is fun

  join the holidays  mum just found a cool site that shows  you with your reading and heaps of other fun activities and the name of the site is and this is what it should come up with.
and then you  press the top one and then it should come up with this.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

me and mum giving Ashley a hiar cut

In the holidays mum asked Ashley if he wanted  a hair cut  and he said yes and then I asked if i could help and she said yes and here are the results.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

maths games

On Thursday me and my class were playing math's games and my partner was may and the games we were playing were traffic light and boul of facts and how you play traffic lights is you write your number on a  peace of paper and the people have to guess your number. bowl of facts is you have to role 2 dice and you have to add it up.If it does not add up you lose a point. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

horu hopu

 Yesterday Matua daman  came and did some exaside with  my class and the exaside was horu hopu and It was fun. All you had to do is  walk around the cone and swap hands.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Our atua freeze-frames

Today our class was doing our are atua freeze frames and the hole class got into groups of  three and one grop of four our had 5.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Friday, January 31, 2020